Tim’s life at Anya Court is batter than ever

16th May, 2023

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In a heart-warming event that brought joy and nostalgia to our dementia community at our Rugby care home, we recently celebrated the remarkable life of Efthymios Phedon, affectionately known as Tim. Tim, 84, is a resident at Anya Court. His journey from humble beginnings to becoming a beloved figure in both the business and Greek Orthodox Church communities serves as an inspiration to us all.

Born in Cyprus, Tim embarked on a courageous adventure at the age of 17 when he decided to move to the United Kingdom with just £10 in his pocket. His destination was his uncle’s place in Coventry, and it was here that Tim’s entrepreneurial spirit started to shine.

In 1977, Tim opened the Hillmorton Fish Saloon, a small but bustling fish and chip shop. His passion for business, combined with his unwavering dedication to quality, quickly made his establishment a local favourite. The delectable taste of Tim’s fish and chips soon spread far and wide, earning him recognition as the go-to place for this beloved British dish.

Tim’s commitment to his family and community was not confined to the culinary realm. He became an integral part of the Greek Orthodox Church, serving as its president in 1985. Tim’s leadership and tireless efforts in this role helped raise substantial funds for the construction of a school, leaving a lasting impact on the community.

Tim recently returned to his chip shop to cook fish and chips for his friends at Anya Court. This occasion was filled with purpose and significance, as it symbolised the culmination of a life dedicated to serving others and bringing joy through his culinary skills.

Tim’s family stood by his side and helped make this special day a reality. Speaking of the event Tim said: “It’s always good to go back.”

Tim’s monthly visits to cook fish and chips for his friends at Anya Court will undoubtedly continue to create cherished memories for everyone involved. Tim’s life journey is an inspiration to us all. This celebration serves as a reminder that purpose and significance can be found at any stage of life, bringing joy and unity to our dementia community.